If the program has already started, you will see both the full price of the course and the pro-rated price that you will be charged. You will be taken to the Fees and Extras page.You will need to select the family member you wish to register by checking the box next to their name and clicking “Next”. After confirming the information is correct, click the “BOOK” button to add the course to your cart.This will bring you to the course details page. Search for a program by using the categories provided or use the filter options on the left to narrow down your results.Sign in to your Play Your Way Online account and select the “Register” tab located on the top navigation bar.How do I add a new credit card to my account? If you are having issues creating this account, please call our customer service team at 51.You will be able to browse all our programs under the “Register” tab.Once you have made your changes, click “Save”.You should now be on your “My Info- Client List”, page where you can add credit card information and family members to your account.Sign in to your Play Your Way Online account using your new password.Once you have created your password, you will be redirected to the login in page to sign in.The first time you login with the temporary system generated password, you will be asked to create a new password.You will also receive an email with your username and temporary, system generated password.You will automatically be signed into your account.Complete all the required fields and click “Submit”.Click “Signup” beside "Create your account” under the Play Your Way! Online logo.Follow these steps to set up your online account: