Remember to be courteous to neighbors and keep the neighborhood neat and clean. Merchandise and activities cannot be displayed or conducted on any public property, including sidewalks, streets, alleys, and parkways.5 SCV garage sale listings this weekend Where: 28210 & 28212 Bel Monte Ct, CANYON COUNTRY, CA - Canyon Country Garage Sale. Santa Clarita Valley Garage Sale Listings: Also shown on map above. A garage/yard sale is for selling used or unwanted household or personal items from the seller’s own premises. Showing Results for Garage Sales This Weekend: Today, Thursday May 4th, through This Sunday, May 7th, 2023.It is illegal to erect or affix a sign in the right-of-way (the area from the curb to the sidewalk) on the median (the area in the middle of any street) on trees, public fences, or buildings or on utility/telephone poles.

For safety purposes, if your home fronts a major thoroughfare or other busy roadway, please attempt to provide customer parking on your driveway or encourage customers to park on a side street.City ordinance: No more than three sales per year and no more than three consecutive days per sale. Sales cannot be held continually from weekend to weekend.Please call at least 24 hours prior to sale (48 hours for Institutional Garage Sales). Permit number, dates of sale and address must be on signs.
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